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Monday, January 15, 2007

Mission Sex Control

Running Time: 120 mins
Release Year: 2006

Director: Ahn Jin-woo

Cast: Lee Beom-soo

Kim Jeong-eun


In 1971 birth control was a major policy drive of the Korean government. Nevertheless, one poor farming village went against the trend, boasting the highest fertility rate in the country. This peaceful Yongdu Village receives an unwelcome visitor, the national family planning officer Hyun-joo, to oversee the villagers nocturnal pleasures. However as a single lady with little experience of her own, Hyun-joo finds it nearly impossible persuade the residents to use contraception. She finally appoints the village head Suk-gu as the local support officer and thus begins the “0% Birth Rate Project.” Appointing him brings more turmoil to the villagers and when the President comes to inspect…


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