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Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Wig

Running Time: 106 mins
Release Year: 2005
Director: Won Sin-yeon

  • Chae Min-seo
  • Yoo Seon
  • Sa Hyeon-jin


Having lost her voice in an accident, Ji-hyun devotedly nurses her younger sister, Su-hyun, whose remaining time on earth is finite. Then one day, the lives of these two loving sisters change dramatically. As a present to fill the emptiness left behind by chemotherapy, Ji-hyun buys Su-hyun a wig. From that day on, Su-hyun gradually regains her vivacious spirit. However, it is no ordinary wig: the traces of a tragic death and the deceased one’s memories remain with this wig. It starts to change Su-hyun into an entirely different person and Ji-hyun watches over her with worry.


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