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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Sweet Sex and Love

Running Time: 90 mins
Release Year: 2003
Director: Bong Man-dae

Cast: Kim Seo-hyeong
Kim Sung-soo


Sexually liberated Shin-a (Seo-hyeong Kim) dumps her boyfriend after she meets Dong-ki (Seong-su Kim), a hospital orderly who claims their first meeting was an accident, but she thinks otherwise. In a weird choice by director Man-dae Bong, there is a sort of interlude where Shin-a is interviewed by an unseen voice behind a video camera. In the short snippet, Shin-a confesses that she doesn't know if she likes Dong-ki, although she does know that she doesn't dislike him. With such a strong declaration of love, what could possibly go wrong?


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