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Monday, January 15, 2007

Dasepo Naughty Girls

Running Time: 111 mins
Release Year: 2006
Director: Lee Jae-yong

Cast: Kim Ok-bin

Park Jin-woo


Based on the popular Internet novel, "Multi-Cell Girl", the film takes place in "No-Use High School", a school renowned for its sexual aberrations. The student body is comprised of sexually ambiguous teenagers, and the student president and vice-present flaunt their taste for S&M. Independent study and supplementary classes are done on homosexuality and transgenderism, and teachers and students alike leave school early because of sexually-transmitted diseases. But amidst this environment, there are some that just can't adapt. Among them: "Poor Girl", a student who earns money for her family by sleeping with older men; "Anthony", a luxurious pretty-boy from Switzerland; and "One-Eye", the school's sole virgin. Poor Girl falls in love with Anthony at first sight. Meanwhile, Anthony is struck by One-Eye's brother "Two Eyes" and feels confused about his sexuality.

Sources: kmovieaddicts

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