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Monday, November 06, 2006


Running Time: 110 mins
Release Year: 2000
Director: Kim Jeong-kwon

Cast: Kim Ha-Neul
Yoo Ji-Tae
Ha Ji-Won
Park Yong-Woo


When high school student So-eun (Kim Ha-neul) accidentally becomes the owner of a ham radio, she begins an airwaves correspondence with In (Yoo Ji-tae), who attends the same high school. The two decide to arrange a meeting under a clock tower, but when they miss each other they realize that they exist 21 years apart: So-eun lives in a politically tumultuous 1979, while In, situated in 2000, is a member of the relatively worry-free Internet generation. Ditto was released in South Korea within a few months of Il Mare, another film to explore the themes of national identity and love across time. Rebecca Flint

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