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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

A Millionare's First Love

Running Time: 116 mins
Director: Kim Tae Kyun

Cast: Hyun Bin
Lee Youn Hee


Jae-kyung is a senior in high school but he doesn't go to school often. Once he turns nineteen years old, he is going to be a millionaire. But the day before he gets a certificate of residence, his family lawyer tells him about the will from his deceased grandfather. It is specified that the fortune will go to him only if he graduates from Boram High School which is located in the countryside. He has no choice but to go there. Life changes a lot for him at Boram High School. He can`t use his credit card and can't even drive his sports car.

Meanwhile, Jae-kyung gets to know Eun-hwan there. She is different from the other country bumpkins and seems to have some secret. Jae-kyung starts to change his attitude, and the secret is about to be revealed...

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