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Monday, October 30, 2006

Boy Goes to Heaven

Running Time: 114 mins
Release Year: 2005

Director: Yoon Tae-Yong

Cast: Yeon Jeong-Ah

Park Hae-Il


Ne-mo, born of an unwed mother, dreams of marrying an unwed mother. After the sudden death of his mother, a comic book rental shop replaces his mother's watch shop. Bu-ja, the shop's owner, is an unmarried mother living with Gi-cheol, her young son. Ne-mo has a crush on Bu-ja and proposes marriage to her. One day, when he goes to the movie theater with Bu-ja and Gi-cheol, a fire breaks out at the theater and he rushes into the fiery theater to save Gi-cheol. Although Gi-cheol is rescued, Ne-mo awakes after 20 days. However, Ne-mo is no longer 13 years old but has suddenly become a 33-year-old man. He had gone to heaven because of the fire, but he did a deal with the messenger who brings dead souls to the next world--Ne-mo would grow one year older for every passing day. Now he has only 60 days to live 60 years. Ne-mo, who can live only to Christmas, begins a hot and short love affair with Bu-ja...

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