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Monday, October 30, 2006

Bad Guy

Running Time: 100 mins
Release Year: 2002

Director: Kim Ki-Duk

Cast: Jo Jae-Hyeon



Ki-duk Kim’s "Bad Guy" is about Han-gi (Jae-hyeon Jo), a antisocial gangster and pimp who notices college student Sun-hwa (Won Seo) while waiting at a bench one day. After Han-gi is beaten up by a group of bystanders for attacking Sun-hwa with a kiss in front of her boyfriend, Han-gi hatches a plan to “turn out” Sun-hwa. It works, and Sun-hwa is added to Han-gi’s stable of whores. As the days, weeks, and months wear on, Han-gi begins to express more and more feelings for the reluctant Sun-hwa, who may or may not be warming to the idea of being nothing more than what her Madame calls a “$50 whore.”

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